Our commitment to change (06/20)

Written by
redpepper Staff
redpepper Staff
multiple authors
Updated on
May 29, 2024 6:17 PM
The steps we're taking as a company to create a more inclusive culture.

The recent murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery have devastated us as humans, and in turn, as a company. There is an important global conversation happening around racial equality, and it’s leading us at redpepper to take a closer look at how we can do and be better. As a majority white organization, we’re beginning to have difficult and honest conversations within our company in hopes of fostering a more inclusive way of working and living. We don’t have all the answers today, but we know we want to be a part of the way forward. 

Here is where we start, right now.

  1. How we hire. We’re making a commitment to cultivate a workplace that's representative of Nashville’s diverse makeup, attracting and hiring underrepresented minorities at every level of our company.
  2. Supporting change-making organizations. We will be making $5,000 in donations to local and national organizations that help fight racism, and we’ll be offering our creative services to support our Black community. 
  3. Encouraging action on election day. August 6th is the day of the Tennessee State Primary Election. We will take the day off as a company to go vote. 
  4. Internal inclusion training. We’ll be seeking education, from leaders and experts who can help make us better allies and grow in diversity. 
  5. Learning and unlearning. We’ve always believed in growth—learning new things, unlearning old things. And while we've helped countless clients do this, we now direct our growth toward diversifying our company and toward the racial injustice around us.
  6. Forever action. We’ve formed an internal coalition dedicated to sharing resources, seeking education, encouraging action, and making sure we never stop fighting for positive change. Ever.


Tim McMullen, CEO

(Written in collaboration with a passionate group of redpeppers)

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