55 Ways to Stay Inspired in 2022

Written by
redpepper Staff
redpepper Staff
multiple authors
Updated on
May 29, 2024 6:29 PM
Our team is sharing our favorite ways to continue growing creatively during uncertainty.

The world has come a long way over the last two years—and it hasn’t been easy. We’ve had to seek out new places to find inspiration despite constant uncertainty and rediscover how to thrive creatively under new constraints. Since January is International Creativity Month, we decided to share some of the ways our team finds inspiration in creative outlets. We hope you’ll resonate with one or more of the activities on this list and enjoy the fresh start a new year brings. Here’s to 2022 and new inspiration.

  1. Experiment with new ingredients in the kitchen and learn the history behind them.
  2. Create a menu and host a cozy dinner party.
  3. Learn to play a new instrument and dive into the theory of it.
  4. Level expert: design and build an instrument yourself.
  5. Write poetry and plan a "writer's night" to collaborate with friends.
  6. Watch a creativity-based competition show to jumpstart your imagination.
  7. Get crafty and upcycle to give a household item a totally new life.
  8. Mix up a fancy cocktail and become a little more sophisticated.
  9. Find a karaoke machine and sing your heart out.
  10. Embrace your inner child—play on a playground!
  11. Have a conversation with an actual child.
  12. Build a metropolitan city out of blocks.
  13. Pull out your LEGOs and build something crazy while you meditate.
  14. Channel your inner National Geographic photographer and get outside.
  15. Sketch a pet portrait. Make them for everyone you know.
  16. Pick up a new sport and immerse yourself in the game strategy.
  17. DIY a challenging project on your home.
  18. Throw a "2022 moodboard party" to collage and manifest your intentions for the year.
  19. Grab a gratitude journal (or make your own) and dedicate 10 minutes a day to reflection.
  20. Arrange a bouquet of flowers (bonus points if you grew them yourself).
  21. Discover 1 new song every day.
  22. Take a moment to consider your environment—how is it creating an experience for you?
  23. Go to a new restaurant or store with an intention to understand how it creates an experience for guests.
  24. Create a new exercise playlist to pump you up.
  25. Set goals to grow in your greatest passions.
  26. Design a charcuterie board that belongs in an art museum.
  27. Tune in to a biographical audiobook—there are lessons in others' journeys.
  28. Figure out who your favorite author is.
  29. Make care packages for your friends filled with items local to your city.
  30. Practice new rollerskating tricks.
  31. People watch at a local happy hour.
  32. Lay in the sun spots in your house.
  33. Hunt for treasure through a market or antique store.
  34. Peruse Pinterest and designinspiration.com to recharge your design battery.
  35. Enroll in an acting class at a local studio to break out of your comfort zone.
  36. Teach someone a new skill you're great at (could be anything from self-defense to piano lessons).
  37. Prioritize your early morning time for movement and peace.
  38. Exchange perspective-changing quotes with teammates.
  39. Curate your social media feeds to be more positive and growth-centered.
  40. Protect regular space on your calendar to connect with long-distance family and friends.
  41. Take the rest you need and enjoy it.
  42. Capture photos on a film camera—you're more in-the-moment when you can't see the photo immediately.
  43. Take a walk and record things you've never noticed before on video as a form of journaling.
  44. Look at paper. If your job is screen-focused, set time aside to do some old fashioned reading.
  45. Watch runway shows to immerse yourself in experimental art.
  46. Study new trends taking off in everyday fashion—why are they working?
  47. Put together a new outfit with clothes you already own.
  48. Dive into a giant puzzle and say goodbye to your weekend.
  49. Take a hot bath for mental clarity.
  50. Donate your skills and talents to an organization in need.

    Bonus entries from redpepper A.I. bots:

  51. Think about all the funny things you can say and do.
  52. Set up an interview with someone as an excuse for social interaction under weird circumstances.
  53. Touch fish in pet store aquariums.
  54. Carry around a notebook and randomly annotate its pages with alien glyphs.
  55. Have an argument with yourself and really get into it.

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