A CreateAthon 2020 Update

Written by
redpepper Staff
redpepper Staff
multiple authors
Updated on
May 29, 2024 6:08 PM
The inside scoop on what's different this year & a look at our nonprofit partners.

It's October, and that means it's also time for our annual CreateAthon. On Oct 22 and 23 we will be pausing client work and donating our marketing services to two deserving nonprofits in Middle TN. More on those incredible organizations in a minute. But first, we wanted to outline a few ways in which CreateAthon is looking a little different this year.

For the past 13 years, we’ve gathered our coffee beans and thinking caps to pull an allnighter for our CreateAthon recipients, working ‘round the clock to get the job done. This year, in order to ensure the health safety, and wellness of our redpepper participants, we are shifting our hours to allow for sleep, so that we can all be in tip-top shape. In addition, the event will take place in a hybrid remote and in-person environment to accommodate social distancing & comfort levels.

Over the past few months, the social unrest and fight for racial justice have caused us to reflect on our Commitment to Change and our role as leaders within our community. For that reason, in lieu of an application process, we hand-selected nonprofits that are working towards dismantling systemic racism, particularly in the criminal justice system. 

We are excited to announce that we are partnering with The Nashville Community Bail Fund, and Aphesis house, two amazing nonprofits that are doing their part to decrease the negative impact on those caught up in the criminal justice system. These nonprofits advocate for people experiencing the opposite ends of the criminal justice system, upon arrest and post-sentencing.

They are also committed to being a vessel of the ongoing conversation around the damage that for-profit prisons and the prison industrial complex have created in our nation. Low-income persons charged with criminal offenses often don't have the resources to post bail. As a result, many remain in jail for months awaiting their trial, or just plead guilty in order to return to their families. The Nashville Community Bail Fund helps free these low-income persons from jail, connects them with their loved ones, and works to end wealth-based detention through community partnerships. Their efforts have helped free over 1,000 individuals from jail, allowing their clients to continue their lives pending trial.

After one leaves prison, they are given $75, a bus ticket, and are most often left in the same community that led them to being incarcerated. Aphesis House provides safe, and sober transitional housing for persons recently incarcerated, struggling with addiction, and homelessness. By educating their residents on financial literacy, the job market, family reintegration, and more, their residents are able to leave Aphesis House with a fresh start and renewed opportunities.

We know that the focus of this year's CreateAthon is a small part we can play in creating change within our community. Stay tuned as we bring you along our creative journey with these two incredible organizations

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