Touch on Tech v2.1

Can you believe that Bitcoin turned 10 years old TODAY?! Well it did and on this episode see how its Lightning network is paying people just for looking at Brands, how AI can make anybody dance like JT, and how cashierless stores are blazing trails on the Retail frontier. So, while you’re here why not stop in and enjoy a tasty tech sandwich on us👇.

Some Links to Stuff From This episode

Discussing an upcoming hackathon at work:

A: "What are the topics?"

B: "Same as last time: AI and AR/VR, but also blockchain now."

A: "So... decentralized micro-txs facilitated by AI image detection in AR?"

B: "Hold my red bull, I'm in the lab."

3 hours later...— YeOldDoc ⚡📦 (@yeolddoc) September 19, 2018

Still hungry for more technology!? Just head on over to our Pinterest board or stop by the rp Garage and keep up with all the things we find every day here at redpepper. Peace and love and bye ’til next time!

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