The Making of Slack’s 2018 TV Spot

Written by
redpepper Staff
redpepper Staff
multiple authors
Updated on
May 29, 2024 3:36 PM
A full-access, behind the scenes look.

Slack’s awareness spot was set to air during the 2018 World Cup. We’d done the concepting. The pre-production work. The finalizing and loose-end-tying. All that was left to do? Pull it off. Our two-team production crew gathered in a humble 8,000 sq ft studio in Dallas, TX to build this expansive 64-foot set. Here, over 50 production crew members, 17 cast members, three 70-foot dolly tracks, and 30 spray painted laptops spent two days planning and coordinating the capture of this highly-choreographed concept. And at the end? We threw even more confetti to celebrate a job well done.

Wanna learn more about Slack’s initial ask and how we worked together to make this concept a reality? Check out the case study here.

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