Elevating the Image of Email Marketing

Written by
redpepper Staff
redpepper Staff
multiple authors
Updated on
May 29, 2024 7:49 PM
Campaign Monitor, an email marketing company, needed to reach people who were ready for a robust, highly effective service that’s still easy to use. We partnered with them to refresh their brand and create a video to speak to users, which helped them stand apart.

A Refreshed Brand Identity

Every day, email marketing companies tell people how easy their product is to use, and that success is just a drag-and-drop away. Campaign Monitor needed to reach people who were ready for a robust, highly effective service that’s still easy to use.

Together we determined that what sets Campaign Monitor’s audience apart is their commitment to doing the best possible email marketing — to them, it’s more than just another task. Then we refreshed their brand identity and created a video designed to tap into that desire. It spoke directly to users, emphasizing the importance of their role in their company’s success and Campaign Monitor’s role in enabling it.

The Impact

By bringing excitement and even a little swagger into talking about email marketing, Campaign Monitor was able to not only position themselves as the grown-ups in the industry but also elevate the overall role of email marketing.

A few cool things we've done

Brand Building


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Integrated Campaigns


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